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Business Related

  1. *Karandikar, S., & Jones, D.N. (in press). From Embezzelment to Antitrust: White Collar Crime Preferences of the Dark Triad. Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime. DOI:

  2. *Carré, J.R., Jones, D.N. & *Mueller, S.M. (in press). Perceiving opportunities for legal and illegal profit: Machiavellianism and the Dark Triad. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:

  3. *Curtis, S.R., Carre, J.R., *Mueller, S.M., & Jones, D.N. (2023). Hiding your dark side: Anticipatory impression management of communal traits. Current Psychology, 42, 18720–18730. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-022-03039-5

  4. *Carré, J.R., *Curtis, S.R., & Jones, D.N. (2023). Making decisions affecting oneself versus others: The effect of interpersonal closeness and Dark Triad traits. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 32, 328–340. DOI:

  5. Hu, J., Gardner, W., Rong, Y., Jones, D.N., & Karam, E. (2022). The Superior Me! An Empirical Examination of the Dominance-Self of Narcissism. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 22(3), 16-31.

  6. Jones, D.N., & *Mueller, S.M. (2022). Is Machiavellianism dead or dormant? The perils of researching a secretive construct. Journal of Business Ethics, 176(3), 535-549. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-020-04708-w

  7. Taillon, B. J., *Mueller, S. M., Kowalczyk, C. M., & Jones, D. N. (2021). Understanding the Relationships Between Social Media Influencers and their Followers: The Moderating Role of Closeness. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 29, 767-782. DOI: 10.1108/JPBM-03-2019-2292

  8. *Curtis, S.R., *Carré, J.R., & Jones, D.N. (2018). Consumer security behaviors and trust following a data breach. Managerial Auditing Journal, 33, 425-435. DOI:

  9. *Carré, J.R., *Curtis, S.R., & Jones, D.N. (2018).  Ascribing responsibility for online security and data breaches. Managerial Auditing Journal, 33, 436-446. DOI:

  10. *Carré, J.R., *Mueller, S.M., *Schleicher, K.M., & Jones, D.N. (2018).  Psychopathy and deviant workplace behavior: A comparison of two psychopathy models. Journal of Personality Disorders, 32, 242-361.  DOI:

  11. Jones, D.N., & Hare, R.D. (2016). The mismeasure of psychopathy:  A comment on Boddy’s PM-MRV.  Journal of Business Ethics, 138, 579-588.  DOI: 10.1007/s10551-015-2584-6

Social - Personality Psychology

  1. *Carré, J.R., & Jones, D.N. (2016).  The impact of keeping social support and coercion salient on Dark Triad decision making.  Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 92-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.006

  2. *de Roos, M.S., & Jones, D.N. (in press). Empowerment or Threat: Perceptions of Childhood Sexual Abuse in the #metoo Era. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI:

  3. *de Roos, M. S., & Jones, D. N. (2022). Self-affirmation and false allegations: the effects on responses to disclosures of sexual victimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(11-12), NP9016-NP9039.

  4. Paulhus, D.L., Buckels, E.E., Trapnell, P.D., & Jones, D.N. (in press). Screening for Dark Personalities. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI:

  5. *Curtis, S.R., & Jones, D.N. (in press). Understanding what makes dark traits “vulnerable”: a distinction between indifference and hostility. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:

  6. Schermer, J.A., & Jones, D.N. (in press). The behavioral genetics of the dark triad core versus unique trait components: A pilot study. Personality and Individual Differences, 154, 109701. DOI:

  7. Jones, D.N., *Neria, A.L., Helm, F.A., Sahlan, R.N., & *Carré, J.R. (2020).  Religious overclaiming and supporting violence. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11, 1011-1021.

  8. *Curtis, S.R., Richards, D.K., & Jones, D.N. (2020). The association between psychopathy and influencing others to use substances. Substance Use and Misuse, 55, 1097-1105.

  9. *Szabo, E., & Jones, D.N. (2019). Gender differences moderate Machiavellianism and impulsivity: Implications for Dark Triad research. Personality and Individual Differences 141, 160-165. DOI:

  10. Jones, D.N., & *Neria, A.L. (2019). Incentive salience & psychopathy: A bio-behavioral exploration. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 167-176. DOI:

  11. Pecharro, P., Caramelo, V., Oliveira, J.P., Nunes, C., *Curtis, S.R., & Jones, D.N. (2018).  The Short Dark Triad (SD3): Adaptation and psychometrics among at-risk male and female Portuguese youths.  Deviant Behavior, 40, 273-286. DOI:

  12. Paulhus, D.L., *Curtis, S.R., & Jones, D.N. (2018).  Aggression as a trait: the Dark Tetrad alternative.  Current Opinions in Psychology, 19, 88-92. DOI:

  13. Czibor, A., Szabo, Z.P., Jones, D.N., & Zsido, A.N., Paal, L., Szijarto, L., *Carré, J.R., & Bereczkei, T. (2017).  Male and female face of Machiavellianism:  Opportunism or anxiety? Personality and Individual Differences, 117, 221-229. DOI:

  14. Jones, D.N., & Paulhus, D.L. (2017).  Duplicity among the Dark Triad: Three faces of deceit. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113, 329-342. DOI:

  15. *Carré, J.R., & Jones, D.N. (2017).  Decision making, morality, and Machiavellianism: The role of dispositional traits in gist extraction.  Review of General Psychology, 21, 23-29.  DOI:

  16. *Carré, J.R., & Jones, D.N. (2016).  The impact of keeping social support and coercion salient on Dark Triad decision making.  Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 92-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.006

  17. *Neria, A.L., & *Vizcaino, M., & Jones, D.N. (2016).  Approach/avoidance tendencies in dark personalities. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 264-269. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.05.054

  18. Jones, D.N. & *de Roos, M.S. (2016).  Examining Mimicry-Deception Theory from the victim’s perspective.  Personality and Individual Differences, 95, 37-39. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.019

  19. Jones, D.N. (2014).  Predatory personalities as behavioral mimics and parasites:  Mimicry-Deception Theory.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9, 445-451.  DOI: 10.1177/1745691614535936

  20. Furnham, A., Richards, S., Rangel, L.M., & Jones, D.N. (2014).  Measuring Malevolence: Quantitative issues surrounding the Dark Triad of personality.  Personality and Individual Differences, 67, 114-121.  DOI:

  21. Jones, D.N. (2014).  Risk in the face of retribution:  Psychopathic persistence in financial misbehavior.  Personality and Individual Differences, 67, 109-113.  DOI:

  22. Jones, D.N., & Olderbak, S.G. (2014).  The associations among dark personalities and sexual tactics across different scenarios.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 29, 1050-1070.  DOI: 10.1177/0886260513506053

  23. Jones, D.N., & Paulhus, D.L. (2014). Introducing the Short Dark Triad (SD3):  A brief measure of dark personality traits.  Assessment, 21, 28-41.  DOI: 10.1177/1073191113514105

  24. Buckels, E.E., Jones, D.N., & Paulhus, D.L. (2013).  Behavioral confirmation of everyday sadism.  Psychological Science, 24, 2201-2209.  DOI: 10.1177/0956797613490749

  25. Jones, D.N. (2013).  What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine: Psychopathy, narcissism, and gambling with your neighbor’s money.  Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 563-571.  DOI:

  26. Jones, D.N. (2013).  Psychopathy and Machiavellianism predict differences in racially motivated attitudes and their affiliations.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, E367-E378.  DOI: 10.1111/jasp.12035

  27. Jones, D.N., & Figueredo, A.J. (2013). The core of darkness:  uncovering the heart of the Dark Triad.  European Journal of Personality, 27, 521-531. DOI: 10.1002/per.1893

Cybersecurity Research

  1. Jones, D.N., Padilla, E., *Curtis, S.R., & Kiekintveld, C. (2021). Network Discovery and Scanning Strategies and The Dark Triad. Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106799. DOI:

  2. Curtis, S.R., Rajivan, P., Jones, D.N., & Gonzalez, C. (2018).  Phishing attempts among the Dark Triad: Patterns of attack and vulnerability. Computers in Human Behavior, 87, 174-182.  DOI:

  3. *Curtis, S.R., Basak, A., *Carré, J.R., Bosansky, B., Cerny, J., Ben-Asher, N., Gutierrez, M., Jones, D.N., & Kiekintveld, C. (in press).  The Dark Triad and Strategic Resource Control in a Competitive Computer Game. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:

Relationships Research

  1. ​Jones, D.N. (in press). Emophilia: an overlooked (but not forgotten) construct in relationships and individual differences Personality and Individual Differences.

  2. *Lechuga, J., & Jones, D.N. (in press). Emophilia and other predictors of attraction to individuals with Dark Triad traits. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:

  3. Tung, W.C., Jones, D.N., Lu, M. (2022). Sources of information and communication about HPV among Chinese students attending US colleges: Implications for culturally approporiate strategies. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 33, 437-445.

  4. Jones, D.N., & *de Roos, M. (2017).  Machiavellian flexibility in negative mate retention.  Personal Relationships, 24, 265-279. DOI: 10.1111/pere.12181

  5. Jones, D.N., & *de Roos, M.S. (2017).  Differential reproductive patterns among the Dark Triad.  Evolutionary Psychological Science, 3, 10-19.  DOI: 10.1007/s40806-016-0070-8

  6. Olderbak, S., Malter, F., Wolf, P. A. S., Jones, D. N., & Figueredo, A. J. (2017). Predicting romantic interest at zero acquaintance: Evidence of sex differences in trait perception but not in predictors of interest. European Journal of Personality, 31, 42-62. DOI: 10.1002/per.2087

  7. Jones, D.N. & *Curtis, S.R. (2017).  Emophilia, sociosexuality, and anxious attachment: Approach and inhibition differences.  Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 325-328. DOI:

  8. Jones, D.N. (2017).  Establishing the distinctiveness of relationship variables using the Big Five and self-esteem.  Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 393-396.  DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.08.025

  9. Jones, D.N. (2015).  Life outcomes and relationship dispositions: The unique role of Emophilia. Personality and Individual Differences, 82, 153-157. DOI:  10.1016/j.paid.2015.03.024

  10. Jones, D.N., & Weiser, D.A. (2014).  Differential infidelity patterns among the Dark Triad.  Personality and Individual Differences, 57, 20-24.  DOI:

  11. **Benavidez, T.M., *Neria, A.L., & Jones, D.N. (2016).  The bond that breaks: Intimacy and honor predict morality-related aggression.  Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2, 140-148.  DOI: 10.1007/s40806-016-0044-x

  12. Jones, D.N. (2016).  The ‘Chasing Amy’ bias in past sexual relationships: Men can change, women cannot.  Sexuality & Culture, 20, 24-37.  DOI: 10.1007/s12119-015-9307-0

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